Welcome to CompEng Composite Engineering AB

Your link between Technology and the understanding of Technology !

Practical problem solving by Experienced Structural engineers that helps you with design of structures in an optimal way under given conditions.

We answer the question: What happens if ............

What we do

We are experiensed structural engineers preform Technical calculations in order to develop/improve our customers products/systems at for example. Design, Product improvements, Problem solving, Damage investigations or Virtual testing.

We work with Structural Stenght (FEM), Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Thermo Dynamics (TERM) and Optimization (OPT).

service 1

FEM analysis

Analysis of systems/products/systems with numerical methods

service 2

Lightweight structures

Create lightweight structures by material selection and numerical calculations

service 4


Analyse stuctures exposed to for example shock & vibrations loading

service 3

Applied Mechanics

Uses theoretical formulas to solve real technical problems

Some examples of systems/products/projects we participated in the development of

team 1


Steel Structures

Design of pressure veseels and supporting structures, according to standards for process- and building industry. Strenght, Thermal and Fluid calculations.

team 1

Boats & Ships

Costal Corvette type Visby

Design of Boats/Ships according to
and onboard equipment.

Pleasure boats according to
"Nordic Small craft standard".


team 1

Construction Machinery

Loader ST14

Design of welded and casted parts/details in steel alt. aluminium for heavy machinery.


team 1



Have taken part in the design of different bridge sections, for Öresundsbron.

team 1

Hall building

Car wash in composite

Design of hall buildings made of composite material and such as sandwich constructions.

team 1

Air planes

School Aircraft TX

Lightweight structures through design and choice of material where each material is used optimally way.

Design of systems to handle X number of flight hours, with respect to fatigue in different loading cases.

team 1

Power transmission

Power transmission

Design of komponents such as,

Poles/ Foundation,
Thyristor valve

team 1


Subway C30

Lightweight cost effective designs where the life cycle cost is of great importance.

A combination of both constructive design and material selection provides an optimal structure

About CompEng AB

CompEng Composite Engineering AB is a small company started by Kjell Mäkinen (PhD) who has worked with the development of mechanical designs/structures for more than 25 years, in various industries (building, workshop, marine, transport).

We work with most types of structures/projects and problems, but have specialized knowledge in areas such as Composites, Steel structures, Sandwich & Lightweight Structures and Shock & Vibrations.

The name CompEng Composite Engineering AB comes from the fact that we have great knowledge about "composite materials" both regarding material selection, constructive design and manufacture of products / systems in composite materials.
The name can also be interpreted as "composite knowledge" which indicates that we have a broad technical competence and experience in several areas like Structural Strength (FEM), Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Thermo Dynamics (TERM) and Optimization (OPT).

Our knowledge/experience in the different areas are used when solving, simple or complex, technical problems.

CompEng AB is part of BerIngNet (a network of Structural Engineers) that helps each other when their own skills or time is not enough !

Contact us

If you have a Technical problem that you need help with, do not hesitate but contact us for further discussion !

Address / Email / Phone as below or press the button below to send email message,

or download some information about the company HERE